I have had a journal for some time where I put my thoughts about Shakespeare. This format was inconvenient and not conducive to discussion which is my main motivation for blogging. Hence, I am moving here to set up shop.
Now, why do I call this "Not Bardolatry"? Easy. I do not worship Shakespeare. I do not think he is the greatest playwright of all times; I don't think anyone can have that tittle. This blog is for discussion of Shakespeare's texts but not a place to say "All Hail Shakespeare." I love Shakespeare's plays. I also love most Renaissance Drama. I don't think Shakespeare was any better than Middleton, Heywood, Kyd or any number of his contemporaries. So, in this blog I will talk about them from time to time as well. There is no doubt, however, that Shakespeare is the most popular Early Modern Playwright. That is why it makes sense that he gets the most blog time here or anywhere else on the internet.
Ultimately, as I begin blogging, my intentions will come through in them. Until then, Welcome and thank you for joining me on my quest to explore Shakespeare's plays and those of his contemporaries.